Michele Alliegro
A partner of LMCA, Michele Alliegro provides assistance and consulting in the sectors of business and corporate law.
In particular, he oversees the negotiation and drafting of business contracts – general contractual conditions, pacts of technical collaboration, distribution, contracting and sales, licensing etc. – working alongside clients in assessing contractual proposals received from business partners and assisting with the execution of contracts, as well as with any disputes that may arise with other contractual parties; he also oversees and defends the interests of companies in their dealings with the public administration.
On behalf of client companies, he provides consulting and drafts documents on corporate relations, in addition to working alongside clients in negotiating and preparing the sale/purchase of corporate holdings.
He also provides assistance with matters of industrial property and unfair competition.
In all the above sectors, he has consolidated experience in supplying ongoing consulting and assistance to the full range of corporate bodies and departments (management, offices of purchasing and sales, in-house legal departments).
A member of Federprivacy, the Italian association of professionals in the sector of privacy and the protection of personal information, he assists and advises clients on the drafting and revision of the relevant corporate documentation, as well as the formulation of agreements and the assessment of the legitimacy of procedures, in addition to supplying ongoing assistance to company privacy officers.
He handles cases of ordinary litigation and arbitration.
He sits on the Board of Arbitrators of AssoBirra, the beer and malt brewers’ industrial association, which belongs to the Confindustria Italian Business Confederation.
He earned his law degree, cum laude, from the University of Florence.
He has written essays and articles published in legal volumes and in specialised reviews.
Laura Capacci
Francesca Cappellini
Donatella Colzi
Rossella Filacaro
After earning her law degree at the University of Bari in 1998, with a final grade of 108/110 and a thesis on civil procedural law entitled “Article 186-quater, the Ruling Following the Close of Discovery”, she passed the licensing examination to practice law in 2001, with a grade of 300/300.
A member of the bar since 2002, in addition to being admitted to practice before the Italian Supreme Court and other high courts, she is a member of the A.G.I. (the Italian Labour Law Association) and an expert in labour and social-security law.
She possesses consolidated experience in the sector, having handled cases for both employers and workers, in and out of the court, on issues of employment relations, individual or collective terminations, corporate restructurings, disciplinary procedures, management affairs and industrial relations.
She worked for a number of years with the law firm Gerardo Vesci & Partners and has been a partner of the LMCA firm since 2016.
She handles cases throughout Italy, supported by the firm and its staff.
Pier Francesco Lotito
Pier Francesco Lotito si occupa di assistenza e consulenza nei settori del diritto commerciale, societario e della concorrenza, oltre che nel settore della responsabilità civile, penale e amministrativa delle imprese e dei privati.
Coordina e partecipa a team di professionisti nelle attività di consulenza aziendale, con particolare riguardo alle aree corporate governance, business development, check up aziendali, risk analysis sui profili di responsabilità giuridica, preparazione e applicazione dei MOG – modelli operativi e gestionali ex D.lgs. 231/2001.
Affianca i clienti nelle trattative commerciali e nella valutazione ed esecuzione di piani di sviluppo aziendali, di acquisizioni, fusioni e cessioni di aziende, di piani di ristrutturazione.
Assiste i clienti nel contenzioso ordinario, amministrativo, tributario e arbitrale. Patrocina dinanzi alle giurisdizioni superiori. Partecipa ai procedimenti arbitrali quale arbitro e presidente di collegi.
È professore ordinario di Diritto pubblico presso l'Università di Firenze.
Sergio Maria Lotito
Debora Mililli
Vincenzo Montano
Vincenzo Montano si occupa di assistenza e consulenza nei settori del diritto civile, commerciale e societario, del diritto penale e nel settore della responsabilità civile, penale e amministrativa di privati e imprese.
Svolge attività di consulenza aziendale, con particolare riguardo ai profili di responsabilità penale nell'ambito societario, tributario, ambientale e urbanistico e alla preparazione e applicazione dei MOG – modelli operativi e gestionali ex D.lgs. 231/2001.
Coadiuva i clienti in fase di acquisizione e cessione di aziende e di elaborazione di piani di sviluppo e ristrutturazione.
Assiste i clienti nel contenzioso civile, penale ed amministrativo.
Francesca Musile Tanzi
Carlo Poli
Nicolò Schittone
Nicolò Schittone is a partner of the LMCA law firm.
He provides assistance and consulting on labour law and industrial relations, both in and out of court, to medium and large-sized companies, as well as to corporate groups operating throughout Italy (in multiple sectors, including the tool and die, chemical and textile sectors, the tertiary sector, credit and banking). He also serves as legal counsel to a variety of government bodies and authorities that operate throughout Italy, and to enterprises controlled by local and regional governments. He works with the A.N.B.I. (the National Land Preservation and Irrigation Association) and the S.N.E.B.I. (the National Syndicate of Irrigation Authorities) on behalf of land-reclamation consortiums.
He possesses specific experience in managing redundancies (social buffers: ordinary/extraordinary furlough plans, tools of flexibility etc.) and with labour litigation under Art. 28 of Italy’s Workers Statute, as well as with procedures for individual and collective personnel reductions and individual/collective transfers, plus conferrals, mergers, split-offs and purchases of companies and/or company branches. He supports HR departments in managing disciplinary procedures involving personnel of all levels and job profiles, and with the drafting of contracts for freelance and salaried employment, plus contractual affairs in general, including fixed-term employment relations, outsourcing operations and external assignments, in addition to issues of privacy as they relate to employee relations. He also assists executive/management personnel with proceedings held both in and out of court.
He advises and assists companies with the management of pension and social-security issues arising from inspections carried out by the competent authorities (INAIL, INPS, ENPAIA, ENASARCO etc.). He plays an active role in negotiations for contract renewals, including national agreements, providing support to major employers’ associations and serving as a member of employers’ delegations that sign collective bargaining contracts.
He is periodically called on to speak at conventions organised by leading training firms (Ipsoa, Il Sole 24Ore, Alma Laboris etc.) and business associations. He has published commentary and articles on issues related to union and labour-law affairs in specialised reviews. He has worked with the on-line review "Buffetti Consulting”, overseeing the labour-law section. In the past, he has held executive positions (“personnel manager”, “industrial relations manager”, “legal department manager”) in both corporations and industrial associations. For a number of years he has been on the faculty, alongside prestigious legal colleagues, of the business-law master’s program accredited by the National Legal Council and organised for Italy by the ALMA LABORIS School of Advanced Business Studies. He was a co-founder of the law firm Gerardo Vesci & Partners, as well as a partner of the LabLaw law firm.
He earned his law degree from the University of Rome, La Sapienza Campus. He was admitted to the bar, and to practice before the Italian Supreme Court, in 2008. He is a member of the A.G.I., the Italian Labour Law Association, and the A.I.D.P., the Italian Personnel Management Association, for which he acts as a liaison with professional associations. He is a regional contact for the studies centre of the Lazio chapter of the A.I.D.P..
Carla Zarlatti
Filippo Zazzera
Giuseppe Bonfiglio
Pamela Lidia Chiello
Silvia Comanducci
Sara Greco
Born in Rome on 31 January 1985, she earned her law degree, cum laude, at the University of Rome, Roma Tre Campus, in December of 2009, with a thesis on financial studies entitled, “Asymmetric Information in the Healthcare Field”, an area in which she was active at the university as a researcher-teacher from 2008 to 2015.
She was admitted to the Rome Bar in November of 2015 and has been associated with the LMCA law firm from November of 2016.
A civil attorney, she has significant experience in the fields of labour, union and social-security law, specifically handling employment relations, individual and collective terminations, corporate restructurings, disciplinary proceedings, management relations and the drafting of various types of contracts. She has also taken an active role in negotiations with unions regarding procedures for the reduction of personnel and the transfer of companies, working directly alongside the firm’s partners.
In her dealings with the firm’s major clients throughout Italy, including private companies that operate in multiple sectors, as well as public bodies and authorities, she provides consulting and assistance both in and out of court.
She has co-authored articles on topics of labour law, in particular “Covid-19 … the ‘Chaos’ of Social Buffers”, published on the website of the “Public Policy Observatory for Local Government Bodies” (year 2020).
Giada Iacovissi
With a degree in law from University of Rome La Sapienza, Giada Iacovissi is specialized in the field of labour law, including trade union law as well as social security field. In addition, she also deals with civil law. With relation to the above mentioned fields, she has gained substantial experience in judicial and extra-judicial consultancy. With regard to the labour field ,with focus on the employer side, she has expertise in due diligence and corporate litigation management (legal advices, labour agreements, company policies, disciplinary objections, conciliation in trade union offices, labour relation management, individual and collective dismissals). Additionally she has relevant experience in representing workers in matters such as demotion, higher classification, mobbing, debt recovery and the most various issues concerning labour relations. In civil law she counsels corporates with contract management (leases,rentals, procurement contracts) as well as credit collection both in pre-litigation and litigation stage.
Her skills and experience benefits private and corporate clients as well as institutions.
She has co-authored articles on topics of labour law, in particular “Unlawful dismissal of the worker during the probationary period" and “ Unlawful dismissal of the worker working elsewhere during sick leave “ published on the web portal “Consulenza on line” Gruppo Buffetti (2015), and “ It is lawful to dismiss because of profit reasons “ published on the web portal “Alma Laboris” (2016).
Leonardo Sorelli
Edoardo Schittone
Edoardo Schittone earned his law degree from the LUISS Guido Carli International University of Rome, specialising in criminal law and defending a thesis on labour law entitled “Ius Variandi Before and After the Jobs Act”.
He has admitted at Bar from May 2024.
He works in the areas of labour law and industrial relations, primarily out of court (dealing with every aspect of relations with salaried employees and agents, plus all types of freelance employment). He also provides assistance in civil and criminal matters; to this latter he has oriented his professional formation.
Teresa D’Agnello
Teresa D’Agnello possesses multiple years of experience in managing the firm’s office, providing its attorneys with support and assistance with both the practical organisation of their activities and client relations.
She handles hearing schedules and appointments, recording and updating work timelines and deadlines, in addition to managing the firm’s software for the filing and monitoring of ongoing cases, plus the client register, while also overseeing both its paper and electronic archives.
She sees to it that on-line notifications and filings are carried out, plus whatever other virtual procedures are necessary.
She is well acquainted with the various court offices, overseeing all procedures required for support of the attorneys’ activities, if necessary with the assistance of outside staff.
She manages the spending for the firm’s operations.